Our business partners
Compocean is an independent supplier of solutions for the onshore and offshore industry with an extensive knowledge in turnkey supply of large and complicated projects. The in-house knowledge of Compocean includes FEA, CAD, steel, composite materials, fabrication, testing, and project management, specialized in supply of GRP (glass-fiber reinforced plastic) protection structures for subsea equipment.
This cooperation will aim to improve our abilities to deliver a more complete subsea distribution system and increase use of GRP in subsea structures to reduce weight that again will have a significant reduction on the CO2 footprint from raw material production, fabrication and installation.
Multiconsult Oil & Gas department has a very extensive experience with geotechnical design and verification of all types of subsea foundation concepts covering seabed characteristics from all around the world. Read more here.
Seanovent Engineering personnel have a long-standing relationship with Multiconsult geotechnical expertise in design and verification of seabed-based structures such as suction piles, mudmats, anchors and piles. We have agreed with Multiconsult to continue this cooperation where beneficial for both parties. Through this cooperation Seanovent can design and verify installations taking into account all challenges from below mudline , through operational in-place loads and accidental fishing or dropped object loads.
Seanovent Engineering will when beneficial cooperate with Depro for development of new products or potential execution of hardware deliveries. Depro is a well-known expert in delivering tools and equipment for remote operations subsea and in marine environment. Their established position as a quality hardware supplier and particularly their innovation driven approach to problem solving will align well with Seanovent Engineering’s goals and aims, both for traditional subsea equipment and new product development within renewable sector.
Apex Energy Concepts is specialized in numerical modeling and analysis, with expertise in providing solutions to companies in several industries. Advanced analysis tools are used to deliver a range of finite element analysis (FEA) services for validating products and systems efficiently, cost-effectively and safely.
This cooperation gives both companies access to additional expertise and knowhow. For Seanovent Engineering this opens for additional analytic power within expert FEA services, material characterization, additive manufacturing and topology optimization. The companies will cooperate where this is found beneficial and share resources when needed.